
Program Details

9 weeks | 9 workshops | 9 modules

a transformational journey for the awakened soul who wants to become a happier, healthier, higher vibrational version of themselves & align with higher timelines.

You will receive

– 9 x 90min live group workshops (lifetime access)

– 9 weeks in a powerful container

– 9 modules of weekly Soul Work
(complete in your own time to assist with integration)

– Life-changing techniques, tools, transmissions & upgrades

– Energy Healing, DNA Activations & de-activation of unsupportive Matrix programming

– Critical information to support, guide & accelerate your ascension

– An unforgettable, fun & highly transformative experience with like-minded Soul’s

– Meditation Mastery mini-course, bonus trainings & meditations

– Earth Mission Essentials E-book

you want to:

Level up & evolve into a higher version of yourself

Break unhealthy habits/addictions & overcome self-sabotage

Embody more magnetism & attract a life you LOVE

Access your powers, intuitive/healing abilities & your Soul’s gifts

Awaken REAL self-love, joy, authenticity, radiance & self-worth

Release density & trauma to activate more light in your body

Transmute past pain into power & transcend victim consciousness

Heal your inner-child, heal your timeline & reprogram your mind/stories

Reclaim the power within your Shadow, unblock your chakras & sexual energy

Live in alignment with your Highest Self & Highest Timelines

Program Outline

Week 1: Opening Ceremony & Higher Self Activation
Week 2: Daily Rituals, Quantum Magick & Vibrational Alignment
Week 3: Embodying Self-Love, Authenticity & Activating Radiance
Week 4: High-Frequency Living & Soul Embodiment
Week 5: Emotional Alchemy & Self-Healing
Week 6: Inner Child Healing & Rewriting Stories
Week 7: Sacred Shadow Work & Unity Consciousness
Week 8: Sacred Sexuality, Pleasure & Ascension Alchemy
Week 9: Closing Ceremony & Ascended Master Activation


this is your invitation to evolve into new you, a new reality & a new experience of life on Earth...

Are you ready to change the game & shift into a whole new paradigm?